Ellen Merryweather
Content Editor
Ellen Merryweather is passionate about creating tech-related content and helping more women get into the tech industry. She spends her free time trying (and failing) to learn how to code.
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Blog post
What Is The Spotify Model?
Looking for a new agile framework? The Spotify Model may (or may not!) be the one for you…

Blog post
An Exclusive Look at an Amazon Product Manager Role
Orkun Ozbatur talks about his experience as an Amazon Product Manager, the transition into Product Management, and the skills needed to launch a great MVP.

Blog post
10 Powerful TED Talks To Make You a Better Product Manager
TED Talks for Product Managers. We know you never stop learning and growing, so here are some fresh ideas, new information, and inspiration—straight from the TED stage.

Blog post
Why Is It So Hard to Get a Job as a Product Manager?
Why is it so hard to get a job as a Product Manager? It's a tough field to break into, but there are steps you can take to get a foot in the door.

Blog post
What Is Your Product’s North Star?
A product's North Star is its "why." Product Managers have a lot on their plate, and a North Star gives direction when next steps are unclear.

Blog post
Different Types of Product Teams (Core, Platform, Growth, First)
A Product Manager's responsibilities change depending on what kind of team they lead. Here are the 4 main different types of Product Teams: Core, Platform, Growth, and First.

Blog post
Product Leadership Skills: Influence Without Authority
To rise from Product Manager to Product Leader, you need to master how to influence without authority: a combination of persuasion, people management, and communication skills.

Blog post
Product Managers and Technical Skills…What’s The Deal?
The Product world seems pretty hung up on technical skills. Let’s talk about it. What technical skills are actually required for Product Manager?

Blog post
The Difference: PM vs Director of Product
Being a Product Manager vs Director of Product is very different. Learn about what steps you have to take to advance from an individual contributor to a Product Leader.

Blog post
Product Management Skills: Market Research
The ultimate beginner’s guide to market research for Product Managers. We’ll go over different types of market research, whether or not you should outsource, and 4 methods for lean market research.

Blog post
5 Reasons Why Product Managers Have to Understand Data
It’s essential to understand data as Product Manager; understanding data lets you build better relationships with your customers and technical team, aligns internal stakeholders, and ultimately helps you make better Product decisions.

Blog post
Airbnb Product Manager Tells You How to Become a Good Growth Product Manager
Growth is on everyone’s mind. Find out how to be a great Growth Product Manager with Airbnb’s Product Manager, Pratik Shah.
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