Trusted by 14,078 students
Our instructors have the lived experience and business pedigree you can trust to give you the career advantage you need.
You’ll never be just a number or a face in the crowd. Our classes average 20 students, so you can get the attention you need to level up.
Nobody learns just by reading ideas. Our courses put you to work in real-world product scenarios, so you gain the skills you need and the experience to prove it.
Learn from our proprietary framework and diagnose your biggest growth challenges.
We’ll match you with a dedicated industry expert who understands your challenges.
Our product experts engage directly with your entire team to solve real world case studies.
Product School is my go-to for coaching and training my product team. The training at Product School is engaging, features modern frameworks and principles and best in class practices.
We are the global leader in Product Management training with a community of over two million product professionals.
Our instructors are real-world Product Leaders working at top Silicon Valley companies, including Google, Meta, Netflix, Airbnb, Uber, and Amazon.
We offer four certifications:
Our Product Manager Certification (PMC)™ is designed for aspiring product managers that want to get their first Product Management job.
Our Artificial Intelligence for Product Certification (AIPC)™ is carefully curated for Product Managers who want to leverage AI capabilities in products and upskill their performance as a PM.
Our Product Leader Certification (PLC)™ is designed for existing product managers that want to get their next Product Management promotion.
Our Product Marketing Manager Certification (PMMC)™ is designed for Product Managers that want to bring products to market successfully.
Designed to fit into your work schedule, our certifications are taught live online and have an intimate number of students per cohort. This ensures that you receive more interactive and personalized attention, 15 or 30 hours of coaching from our instructors, and tailored feedback to meet your specific needs.
Absolutely! We offer custom training for companies that want to onboard new talent, upskill and align existing teams, and stay ahead of the competition. We can create a unique experience that meets your company's needs and schedule, whether it's in-person or online. Learn more here.
Enjoy our curated collection of free resources, including webinars, templates, books, ProductCon conferences, and The Product Podcast.